
Macros are user-defined automated commands that allow you to record multiple actions and trigger them with a single button or key stroke.

Creating Macros

  1. Open main menu
  2. Take the User Macro Option
  3. Select the macro number you wish to modify
  4. Name the Macro
  5. Select the Macro Icon
  6. Add the script to the Macro

List of Commands

Text Commands

Entering a text command starting with the / (forward slash) key allows players to change equipment, use abilities, perform emotes and various other actions. Additional directions such as subcommands and placeholders can be added to commands for even greater customization, such as specifying targets, toggling functions on and off, and so on. The additional directions should follow the main command, separated by a space.

Command Shorthand Help
/say [mes.] /s Sends a message to all PCs within a small radius.
The message will not be displayed if a PC has their [Say] chat filter turned on.
Typing /say or /s without a message switches the default chat mode to [Say].
/yell [mes.] /y Sends a message to all PCs within a large radius.
The message will not be displayed if a PC has deselected [Yell] in the chat filter.
Typing /yell or /y without a message switches the default chat mode to [Yell].
/shout [mes.] /sh Sends a message to all PCs in the same area.
The message will not be displayed if a PC has deselected [Shout] in the chat filter.
/tell[PC_name] [mes.] /t Sends a message to a specific PC within the same World.
This message cannot be seen by any other PCs.
Typing /tell or /t [PC_name] without a message switches the default chat mode to [Tell].
/party [mes.] /p Sends a message to all members of your current party, regardless of their location.
Typing /party or /p without a message switches the default chat mode to [Party].
/linkshell [mes.] /l Sends a message to all members of your active linkshell, regardless of their location.
Typing /linkshell or /l without a message switches the default chat mode to [Linkshell].
/cwlinkshell [mes.] /cwl Sends a message to all members of your active cross-world linkshell, regardless of their location.
Typing /cwlinkshell or /cwl without a message switches the default chat mode to your active cross-world linkshell channel.
/echo [mes.] /e Displays a message that only you can see.
Command Shorthand Help
/action [action name] /ac Uses an action on the specified PC. Uses current target when not specified.
Target does not need to be specified for certain actions. This cannot be used with actions you have not yet learned, or when restricted by other factors. If action uses ground targeting, then the action will be executed on the specified PC. If no PC is specified, then you will enter ground targeting mode.
/petaction [action name] /pac Uses a pet action on the specified target. Uses current target when not specified. Target does not need to be specified for certain pet actions. This cannot be used with pet actions you have not yet learned, or when restricted by other factors.
/pac "Crimson Cyclone" <t>
/companionaction [action name] /cac Uses a companion action. The target of companion actions cannot be specified. This cannot be used with companion actions you have not yet learned, or when restricted by other factors.
/cac "free stance"
/recast [action name] none Displays time remaining until the specified action can be used again.
Command Shorthand Help
/macroicon "icon name" [category] /micon Displays the specified icon as a hotbar icon. If used twice in a single user macro, only the first instance will be recognized.
Available macro icons
/macroerror [subcommand] /merror Display or hide text command errors within a user macro. Any errors are displayed upon macro execution. Setting resets to on after macro is executed.
on Displays error message.
off Hides error message.
/wait none A macro command for adjusting the pause between commands. A wait time amount of 1 equals one second. The maximum wait time allowed is 60. If the wait time amount is over 60, it will be counted as 60.
Battle Shorthand Help
/battlemode [subcommand] /bm Toggle between active and passive mode.
on Switch to active mode.
off Switch to passive mode.
/target [placeholder] /ta Targets the specified PC. Target must be within a certain radius for this command to function. Placeholder
/targetpc /tpc Targets the closest PC within a certain radius.
/targetnpc /tnpc Targets the closest NPC within a certain radius.
/targetenemy /tenemy Targets the closest enemy within a certain radius.
/battletarget /bt Targets the closest enemy within a certain radius that is attacking you.
/assist [placeholder] /as Targets the target of another PC. Assists current target when none is specified. Placeholder
/facetarget /ft Immediately turns your PC in the direction of your current target.
/nexttarget /nt Toggle clockwise through on-screen enemies.
/previoustarget /previoustarget Toggle counterclockwise through on-screen enemies.
/targetlasttarget /tlt Re-target your last target.
/targetlastenemy /tle Re-target the last enemy you targeted.
/lockon [subcommand] /lo Lock on/off current target.
on Enable lock-on.
off Disable lock-on.
/focustarget [subcommand] /focustarget [subcommand] Makes the specified PC your focus target. Makes current target your focus target when none specified.Placeholder
/statusoff "status" /statusoff "status" Removes designated beneficial status.
/statusoff "Bloodbath"
(Removes Bloodbath.)
Command Shorthand Help
/actionerror [subcommand] /aerror Display error messages when actions fail.
on Enable messages.
off Disable messages.?
/displayhead [subcommand] none Hide/display headgear.
on Display headgear.
off Hide headgear.
/displayarms [subcommand] none Hide/display main and off hand weapons when sheathed.
on Display arms.
off Hide arms.
/autolockon [subcommand] none Automatically lock on target when initiating auto-attack.
on Enable auto-lock on.
off Disable auto-lock on.
Command Shorthand Help
/partycmd [subcommand] /pcmd Executes various party commands. Can only be used to display the Party menu or add party members when participating in a cross-world party.Subcommands
/join none Accept a party invite.
/decline none Decline a party invite.
/countdown [subcommand] /cd Opens and closes the countdown interface.
[countdown time]
Initiates a countdown starting at the specified time. Changes made via text commands will not be saved in the countdown interface. Also, notifications will not be displayed in the log window.
Opens the countdown interface when no subcommand is specified.
Command Shorthand Help
/hotbar [subcommand] none Edit and configure hotbar settings. Only available in PvE areas.
Command Shorthand Help
/away [subcommand] /afk Set your online status to Away/Online.
on Set your status to Away.
off Set your status to Online.
/search [condition] /sea Executes a player search based on the conditions given. Multiple conditions should be separated with a space. Conducts default search if no conditions are specified.
/sea GLA 20-30 "La Noscea"
(Searches for all gladiators in La Noscea between levels 20 and 30.)Conditions
Placeholder Shorthand Help
<target> <t> Displays current target name.
<t2t> <tt> Displays target of current target's name.
<0> <me> Displays your character's name.
<reply> <r> Displays the name of the last player to send you a /tell.
<1> - <8> none Displays Party Member 1-8's name.
<focus> <f> Displays your Focus Target's name.
<lasttarget> <lt> Displays your last target's name.
<lastenemy> <le> Displays the name of the last enemy you targeted.
<lastattacker> <la> Displays the name of the last enemy to attack or perform an action on you.
<comp> - <buddy> <c> - <b> Displays your chocobo companion's name.
<pet> none Displays your pet's name.
<attack1> - <attack5> none Displays Target to Attack 1–5's name.
<bind1> - <bind3> none Displays Target to Bind 1–3's name.
<ignore1> - <ignore2> none Displays Target to Ignore 1–2's name.
<square> none Displays target marked with a square's name.
<circle> none Displays target marked with a circle's name.
<cross> none Displays target marked with a cross's name.
<triangle> none Displays target marked with a triangle's name.
<mouse> <mo> Displays mouseover target's name
Other Placeholder
Placeholder Shorthand Help
<hp> none Displays current HP and maximum HP.
<hpp> none Displays current HP as a percentage.
<mp> none Displays current MP and maximum MP.
<mpp> none Displays current MP as a percentage.
<job> <class> Displays current class and level.
<where> <pos> Displays coordinates of current location.
<se.1> - <se.16> none Plays a sound effect when used in party or alliance chat. Use the /echo command to play a sound effect only you can hear.
<comphp> <chp> Displays your chocobo companion's current HP and maximum HP.
<comphpp> <chpp> Displays your chocobo companion's current HP as a percentage.
<targethpp> <thpp> Displays current target's HP as a percentage.
<focushpp> <fhpp> Displays focus target's HP as a percentage.
<targetclass> - <targetjob> <tclass> - <tjob> Display the class or job name of the selected target.
<focusclass> - <focusjob> <fclass> - <fjob> Display the class or job name of your focus target.
<e1> - <e2> - <e3> - <e4> none Display the names of the first four players on the enemy party list when participating in the Feast.
Categories Help
action If the icon name is an action, action recast time and required MP will be displayed with the icon.
blueaction If the icon name is a blue mage action, action recast time and required MP will be displayed with the icon.
pvpaction If the icon name is a pvp action, action recast time and required MP will be displayed with the icon.
general If the icon name is a general action, action recast time will be displayed with the icon.
emote If the icon name is an emote, its icon will be displayed.
companion If the icon name is a companion action, its icon will be displayed.
pet If the icon name is a pet action, its icon will be displayed
minion If the icon name is a minion, its icon will be displayed.
mount If the icon name is a mount, its icon will be displayed.
enemysign If the icon name is an enemy sign, its icon will be displayed.
waymark If the icon name is a waymark, its icon will be displayed.
gearset If the icon name is a gear set number, its icon will be displayed.
classjob If the icon name is a class or job, its icon will be displayed.
quickchat If the icon name is a Quick Chat message, its icon will be displayed.
Subcommands Hotbar
Subcommands Help
display [number] on/off (optional) display/hide hotbar [number].
Example : hotbar display 1
share [number] on/off : Make hotbar [number] shared/Unshare hotbar [number] and assign it to your current class/job.
remove [#1] [#2] Remove the action assigned to slot [#2] on hotbar [#1].
Replace [#2] with "all" to remove all actions from hotbar [#1].
Subcommands Party
Subcommands Help
join Accept a party invite.
decline Decline a party invite.
add Placeholder Invite a PC to your party.
leave Leave your current party.
kick Placeholder Oust a PC from your party.
breakup Dissolve your current party.
Subcommands Friendlist
Subcommands Help
add [placeholder] Send a PC a friend request.
accept [placeholder] Accept a friend request from a PC.
deny [placeholder] Deny a friend request from a PC.
remove [placeholder] Remove a PC from your friend list.
Conditions Help
【PC Name】 forename "PC name"
Search for a specific firstname.
surname "PC name"
Search for a specific lastname.
【Online Status】 leader, away, busy, duty, event, lookingforparty, recruit, lookingtomeld, newadventurer, mentor, tradementor, pvementor, pvpmentor, roleplay, returner
Searches all jobs and classes if none specified.
【Level】 [number]
Search for that level only.
[number 1]-[number 2]
Search for players with levels between number 1 and number 2.
Searches all levels if none are specified.
【Grand Company】 "Maelstrom", "Immortal Flames", "Order of the Twin Adder"
【Location】 "Limsa Lominsa", "Gridania", "Ul'dah", "Ishgard", "The Black Shroud", "Thanalan", "La Noscea", "Mor Dhona", "Coerthas", "Dravania", "Abalathia's Spine", "Kugane", "Gyr Abania", "Othard", "The Crystarium", "Eulmore", "Norvrandt"
Searches all locations if none are specified.
【Language】 JA, EN, FR, DE
Searches current language if none is specified.