Grand Companies are organizations that players will join at around level 20 by completing the main story quests. There are three grand companies, The Maelstrom from Limsa Lominsa, The Immortal Flames from Ul'dah, and The Order of the Twin Adder from Gridania.
Grand Companies are divided into numerous ranks, with players starting at the lowest rank of Private Third Class. Promotions can be earned with a special currency called Company Seals. These seals can also be exchanged with the Grand Company Quartermaster for weapons, armour, crafting materials, and items such as Ventures.
Participating in FATEs and the Duty Roulette also awards Company Seals once players have joined a Grand Company.
Players do not need to choose the Grand Company from their city of origin and can also change their Grand Company later if they wish.
Adventurer Squadrons allow players to take command of soldiers in their respective Grand Companies. Players can deploy these recruits on missions (similar to Retainer Ventures) to gain rewards, as well as experience for recruits.
Additionally, recruits of a sufficient rank can be taken on Command Missions, allowing them to join you in dungeons as NPC party members.
Once your squadron reaches level 60, consider sending them on missions for a chance to earn gathering or crafting scrips bonus. When your squadron offers the bonus, you can assign them in the stats tab. Once the bonus is assigned, send them back on another mission.
Prioritize missions or bonus that have a 100% chance of being obtained to increase the chances of getting scrips.
Squadron will be able to bring back a significant amount of scrips through daily missions, which can then be exchanged for crafting or gathering materias.
Grand Companies are always in need of supplies in their daily operations. Players can earn experience points for specific classes and company seals by crafting or gathering the items required and delivering them. Talk to a Grand Company Personnel Officer to complete the delivery.
Grand Companies also accept rare equipment. Players can donate these sellable items to their grand companies in exchange for seals. Players can speak to a Grand Company Personnel Officer to donate items.
Players can complete these special levequests to earn items, experience and company seals.
Upon reaching the rank of Second Lieutenant, granting access to their stock and allowing acquisition of Grand Company-specific minions and Chocobo Bardings. They will also be eligible to change their Grand Company altogether, though doing so will place them at the lowest rank of Private Third Class.
Upon returning to a Grand Company after a transfer, your previous rank will be restored, allowing you to 'max out' all three Grand Companies if you wish.
Rank | Seals Needed | Comments |
Private Third Class | 2000 | |
Private Second Class | 3000 | |
Private First Class | 4000 | |
Corporal | 5000 | |
Sergeant Third Class | 6000 | Must complete Company Hunting Log Rank 1 |
Sergeant Second Class | 7000 | |
Sergeant First Class | 8000 | |
Chief Sergeant | 9000 | Must complete Shadows Uncast |
Second Lieutenant | 10000 | Must complete Gilding the BiliousMust complete Company Hunting Log Rank 2 |
First Lieutenant | 0 | When your squadron reaches Rank 3 in Adventurer Squadrons |
Captain | 0 | Must complete 5 Unique Command MissionsMust complete Flagged Mission: Sapper Strike |
Second Commander | 0 | |
First Commander | 0 | |
High Commander | 0 | |
Rear Marshal | 0 | |
Vice Marshal | 0 | |
Marshal | 0 | |
Grand Marshal | 0 | |
Champion | 0 |