At Ease | /atease | Sold by Grand Company - 40.000 Company Seals |
Attention | /attention | Sold by Grand Company - 40.000 Company Seals |
Awaiting Orders | /attend | Pvp Series Tier 5 Reward. |
Ball Dance | /balldance | Reward for the quest "Help Me, Lord of the Dance" in the sidequests - Quest giver : P'molminn - Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X: 10.8 Y: 9.8) |
Bee's Knees | /beesknees | Sold by Gold Saucer Attendant - The Gold Saucer (X:5.1 Y:6.6) - 80.000 MGP |
Black Ranger Pose A | /blackrangerposea | Mog Station |
Black Ranger Pose B | /blackrangerposeb | Mog Station |
Bomb Dance | /bombdance | Mog Station |
Bouquet | /bouquet | Valentione's Day (2025) |
Box | /box | Reward for the quest "Arenvald's Adventure" in the main scenario - Quest giver : Lyse - Rhalgr's Reach (X: 14.6 Y: 9.4) |
Box Step | /boxstep | Mog Station |
Breath Control | /breathcontrol | Complete the achievement "Dear Leader I" for the Grand Company |
Change Pose | /changepose | Basic |
Charmed | /charmed | Sold by Madhura - The Fringes (X:20.9 Y:26.2) - 5 Ananta Dreamstaff - Requirement : Rank 5 with the Ananta. |
Cheer Jump | /cheerjump | Mog Station |
Cheer Jump Green | /cheergreen | Mog Station |
Cheer On | /cheeron | Mog Station |
Cheer On Bright | /cheerbright | Mog Station |
Cheer Wave | /cheerwave | Mog Station |
Cheer Wave Violet | /cheerviolet | Mog Station |
Confirm | /confirm | Random reward for the chest in "The Lost Canals of Uznair", "The Hidden Canals Of Uznair" and "The Shifting Altars of Uznair" |
Crimson Lotus | /crimsonlotus | Mog Station |
Dazed | /dazed | Pvp Series Tier 5 Reward. |
Diamond Dust | /iceheart | Item code included with Meister Quality Figure Shiva |
Eastern Dance | /edance | Mog Station |
Fancy Beverages | /shakedrink | Sold by Gold Saucer Attendant - The Gold Saucer (X:5.2 Y:6.6) - 50.000 MGP |
Flame Dance | /flamedance | Mog Station |
Flowerbed Maintenance | /water | Sold by Jonathas - Old Gridania (X: 10.6 Y: 6.3) - 2 Achievement Certificate |
Get Fantasy | /getfantasy | Mog Station |
Gold Dance | /golddance | Sold by Gold Saucer Attendant - The Gold Saucer (X:5.1 Y:6.6) - 80.000 MGP |
Goobbue Do | /goobbuedo | Mog Station |
Guard | /highfive | Sold by Resistance Quartermaster - Bozjan Southern Front (X:14.2 Y:29.6) - 50 Bozjan Clusters |
Harvest Dance | /harvestdance | Reward for the quest "Saw That One Coming" in the sidequests - Quest giver : Eral - New Gridania (X: 12.0 Y: 13.1) |
Heel Toe | /heeltoe | Mog Station |
Hum | /hum | Reward for the quest "The Fire-bird Down Below" in the Chronicles of a New Era - Quest giver : Bunchin - The Ruby Sea (X: 27.8 Y: 16.4) |
Lali-hop | /lalihop | Sold by Mizutt - Lakeland (X:9.4 Y:13.1) - 8 Hammered Frogments - Requirement : Rank 8 with the Dwarf. |
Lean | /lean | Sold by Enie - The Firmament (X:12.0 Y:14.0) - 1.800 Skybuilders' Scrip |
Love Heart | //heart | Valentione's Day (2024) |
Malevolence | /malevolence | Sold by Resistance Quartermaster - Bozjan Southern Front (X:14.2 Y:29.6) - 50 Bozjan Clusters |
Manderville Dance | /mandervilledance | Reward for the quest "The Hammer" in the sidequests (Hildibrand Quests - A Realm Reborn) - Quest giver : Hildibrand - Western Thanalan (X: 20.1 Y: 24.6) |
Manderville Mambo | /mmambo | Reward for the quest "Don't Do the Dewprism" in the sidequests (Hildibrand Quests - Stormblood) - Quest giver : Hildibrand - Kugane (X: 11.7 Y: 8.8) |
Megaflare | /megaflare | Mog Station |
Moogle Dance | /mogdance | Reward for the quest "Piecing Together the Past" in the Beast Tribe Quest- Quest giver : Master Mogzin - The Churning Mists (X: 15.7 Y: 28.8) - Rank 7 Mog Beast Tribe |
Moonlift Dance | /moonlift | Reward for the quest "Eternity, Loyalty, Honesty" - Quest giver : Vath Deftarm - The Sea of Clouds (X: 6.6 Y: 14.3). Requirements: Completed the quests “The Zenith of Craftsmanship”, “A Symbiotic Friendship” and “The Nest of Honor” - All Beast Tribe rank 8 for Heavensward. |
Most Gentlemanly | /hildy | Reward for the quest "Her Last Vow" in the sidequests (Hildibrand Quests - A Realm Reborn) - Quest giver : Julyan - Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X: 12.0 Y: 11.8) |
Play Dead | /playdead | Mog Station |
Popoto Step | /popotostep | Mog Station |
Push-ups | /pushups | Complete the achievement "Dear Leader I" for the Grand Company |
Red Ranger Pose A | /redrangerposea | Mog Station |
Red Ranger Pose B | /redrangerposeb | Mog Station |
Reprimand | /reprimand | Sold by Storm Sergeant - Wolves' Den Pier (X:4.4 Y:6.1) - 15.000 Wolf Mark |
Ritual Prayer | /ritualprayer | Sold by Shikitahe - The Ruby Sea (X:29.3 Y:16.8) - 3 Kojin Sango - Requirement : Rank 8 with the Kojin. |
Scheme | /scheme | Random reward for the Heat-warped Lockbox in Eureka Pyros with the mutation. |
Shiver | /shiver | Random reward for the Cold-warped Lockbox in Eureka Pagos with the mutation. |
Show Left | /showleft | Mog Station |
Show Right | /showright | Mog Station |
Side Step | /sidestep | Mog Station |
Simulation F | /simulationf | Item code included with Meister Quality Figure Omega |
Simulation M | /simulationm | Item code included with Meister Quality Figure Omega |
Sit | /sit | Basic |
Sit on Ground | /groundsit | Basic |
Sit-ups | /situps | Complete the achievement "Dear Leader I" for the Grand Company |
Slump | /slump | Crystalline Conflict Tier 5 Reward |
Songbird | /songbird | Mog Station |
Spirit | /spirit | Crystalline Conflict Tier 5 Reward |
Squats | /squats | Complete the achievement "Dear Leader I" for the Grand Company |
Step Dance | /stepdance | Reward for the quest "Good for What Ales You" in the sidequests - Quest giver : Dodozan - Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X: 7.5 Y: 12.3) |
Study | /study | Sold by Enie - The Firmament (X:12.0 Y:14.0) - 1.800 Skybuilders' Scrip |
Sundrop Dance | /sundance | Reward for the quest "Sundrop the Beat" in the Beast Tribe Quest- Quest giver : Linu Vali - The Sea of Clouds (X: 6.6 Y: 14.3) - Rank 7 Vanu Vanu Beast Tribe |
Sweat | /sweat | Sold by Confederate Custodian - The Ruby Sea (X:21.2 Y:9.3) - 10 Empyrean Potsherd (Heaven-on-High) |
Sweep Up | /sweep | Sold by Enie - The Firmament (X:12.0 Y:14.0) - 1.800 Skybuilders' Scrip |
Thavnairian Dance | /thavnairiandance | Sold by Gold Saucer Attendant - The Gold Saucer (X:5.1 Y:6.6) - 80.000 MGP |
The Lop Hop | /lophop | Reward for the quest allied in Endwalker Tribal Quests. |
Tomescroll | /tomescroll | Acquired from tying the Companion App to your account. |
Tremble | /tremble | Sold by Eschina - Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.8 Y:11.8)) - 6 Mythic Clan Mark Log (500 Centurio Seal/u sold by Billebaut Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.0 Y:11.7)) |
Ultima | /ultima | Item code included with Meister Quality Figure Ultima, the High Seraph |
Visor | /visor | Basic |
Wasshoi | /wasshoi | Mog Station |
Water Float | /waterfloat | Basic |
Winded | /winded | Sold by Eschina - Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.8 Y:11.8)) - 6 Mythic Clan Mark Log (500 Centurio Seal/u sold by Billebaut Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.0 Y:11.7)) |
Wring Hands | /wringhands | Random reward in the Lockbox Zadnor. |
Yellow Ranger Pose A | /yellowrangerposea | Mog Station |
Yellow Ranger Pose B | /yellowrangerposeb | Mog Station |
Yol Dance | /yoldance | Sold by Gyosho - The Azim Steppe (X:5.8 Y:23.4) - 8 Namazu Koban - Requirement : Rank 8 with the Namazu. |
Zantetsuken | /zantetsuken | Item code included with Meister Quality Figure Odin |