Tribal Quests

General Information

Tribal Quests are daily quests that require the players to perform tasks dictated by various tribes. Players will not only earn experience, gil, items, Tomestones and ventures for completing these quests, they will also earn Reputation points. By increasing your reputation, you will gain access to the Beastmen tribe vendor which sells unique mounts, minions, furnishings and other items.

Tribal Quests don't unlock until you reach level 41 of the Main Scenario Quests, even if your character is over level 41.

Players can perform 12 daily quests per day.

Each Quest gives you a certain amount of Reputation points, depending on the rank of the quest.

The quests available to you on a given day are random. Some quests will require an item from participating in specific FATEs in the general area, and waiting for these can take a long time. However, you can participate in them without the quest and will still be rewarded with the item, making it possible to save them up for later.

Turning in a completed Tribe quest after daily reset will not count towards new day's limit, however you cannot accept additional quests until you have completed or abandoned the quests you have accepted. Once they are completed or abandoned, you are free to accept new ones with new day's limit.

Players can undertake Allied Tribe Quests after completing all the Main Quests for all the relevant Tribe Quests of extension.

Tribal Quests (Dawntrail)

Tribal Quests (Endwalker)


Disciples of war/magic

They are unlocked by completing the quest : Hippos Born to Run - Kancana @ Thavnair (X: 25.3, Y: 31.2)

Main Quests (Click here)


Disciples of the land

They are unlocked by completing the quest : The Café at the End of the Universe - Jammingway @ Ultima Thule (X: 25.4, Y: 26.3)

Main Quests (Click here)


Disciples of the hand

They are unlocked by completing the quest : Must Be Dreaming(way) - Dreamingway @ Old Sharlayan (X: 11.5, Y: 10.9)

Main Quests (Click here)

Tribal Quests (Shadowbringers)

There is no ally quest for Shadowbringers.


Disciples of war/magic

They are unlocked by completing the quest : Manic Pixie Dream Realm - Pink Pixie @ The Crystarium (X: 13.1, Y: 15.3)

Main Quests (Click here)


Disciples of the land

They are unlocked by completing the quest : The Stewards of Note - Concerned Mother @ The Rak'tika Greatwood (X: 21, Y: 27.6)

Main Quests (Click here)


Disciples of the hand

They are unlocked by completing the quest : It's Dwarfin' Time - Affable Townsdwarf @ Kholusia (X: 15.7, Y: 30.3)

Main Quests (Click here)

Tribal Quests (Stormblood)


Disciples of war/magic

They are unlocked by completing the quest : Heaven-sent - Vexed Villager @ The Ruby Sea (X: 6.8, Y: 13.3)

Main Quests (Click here)


Disciples of war/magic

They are unlocked by completing the quest : Brooding Broodmother - M'rahz Nunh @ The Fringes (X: 30.2, Y: 25.7)

Main Quests (Click here)


Disciples of the hand/land

They are unlocked by completing the quest : Something Fishy This Way Comes - Floundering Namazu @ The Azim Steppe (X: 17.4, Y: 37.5)

Main Quests (Click here)

Tribal Quests (Heavensward)


Disciples of war/magic

They are unlocked by completing the quest : The Naming of Vath - Vath Storyteller @ The Dravanian Forelands (X: 24, Y: 19.7)

Main Quests (Click here)

Vanu Vanu

Disciples of war/magic

They are unlocked by completing the quest : Three Beaks to the Wind - Sonu Vanu @ The Sea of Clouds (X: 11.7, Y: 14.8)

Main Quests (Click here)


Disciples of the hand

They are unlocked by completing the quest : Tricks and Stones - Seething Stonemason @ The Churning Mists (X: 27.2, Y: 34.5)

Main Quests (Click here)

Tribal Quests (A Realm Reborn)


Disciples of war/magic

They are unlocked by completing the quest : Seeking Solace - Vorsaile Heuloix @ Gridania (X: 9.7, Y: 11.1)

Main Quests (Click here)


Disciples of war/magic

They are unlocked by completing the quest : Peace for Thanalan - Swift @ Ul'dah (X: 8.4, Y: 8.9)

Main Quests (Click here)


Disciples of war/magic

They are unlocked by completing the quest : Highway Robbery - Trachraet @ Limsa Lominsa (X: 12.7, Y: 12.8)

Main Quests (Click here)


Disciples of war/magic

They are unlocked by completing the quest : They Came from the Deep - R'ashaht Rhiki @ Limsa Lominsa (X: 13.1, Y: 12.8)

Main Quests (Click here)


Disciples of the hand/land

They are unlocked by completing the quest : A Bad Bladder - Scarlet @ Gridania (X: 9.9, Y: 11.4)

Main Quests (Click here)