Hey! I put a small touch of green color on the FATES names on which I can provide you with additional information if you click on the table row.
Name | Type | Level | Coordonates | Exp | Gil | Company Seals |
Bold This Way | Kill Enemies | 60 | The Striped Hills (x27, y10, z0) | 22500 | 120 | 345 |
Death Beckons | Kill Enemies | 60 | East End (x12.5, y11.3, z0) | 22500 | 120 | 345 |
Dizzy Miss Grizzly | Kill Boss | 60 | East End (x11.9, y16.7, z0) | 22500 | 120 | 345 |
Double Dhara | Defend | 60 | The Striped Hills (x23, y10, z0) | 22500 | 120 | 345 |
Keeping More Peace | Escort | 60 | The Striped Hills (x23.7, y14, z0) | 22500 | 120 | 345 |
Keeping the Peace | Escort | 60 | The Striped Hills (x28.6, y12, z0) | 22500 | 120 | 345 |
Roid Rage | Kill Boss | 60 | Pike Falls (x18, y11, z0) | 22500 | 120 | 345 |
Showing the Commanders What For | Kill Boss | 60 | East End (x9, y16.3, z0) | 22500 | 120 | 345 |
Showing The Officers What For | Kill Enemies | 60 | East End (x8.8, y16.3, z0) | 22500 | 120 | 345 |
Showing The Recruits What For | Kill Enemies | 60 | East End (x8.5, y16.7, z0) | 22500 | 120 | 345 |
Thank You for Not Mossling | Kill Enemies | 60 | East End (x12, y14, z0) | 22500 | 120 | 345 |
Unbearable | Kill Enemies | 60 | East End (x10.1, y12.6, z0) | 22500 | 120 | 345 |
Diakka Round | Kill Enemies | 61 | East End (x10, y18, z0) | 22725 | 122 | 350 |
The Evil Seed | Kill Boss | 61 | Pike Falls (x15.2, y22.7, z0) | 22725 | 122 | 350 |
The Mail Must Get Through | Defend | 61 | East End (x11.5, y22.4, z0) | 22725 | 122 | 350 |
The Morning After | Kill Enemies | 61 | Dimwold (x10.7, y29.5, z0) | 22725 | 122 | 350 |
The Secret Life of Plants | Kill Enemies | 61 | East End (x12, y25.8, z0) | 22725 | 122 | 350 |
The Spiderweb Chronicles | Kill Boss | 61 | Pike Falls (x17, y18, z0) | 22725 | 122 | 350 |
Yes, This Is Dogs | Kill Enemies | 61 | East End (x13.7, y20.2, z0) | 22725 | 122 | 350 |
A Pain in the Neck | Collect | 67 | Virdjala (x34.4, y26.1, z0) | 24075 | 134 | 385 |
Ananta and Her Sisters | Kill Boss | 67 | Virdjala (x28.3, y17.1, z0) | 24075 | 134 | 385 |
Flappy Berda | Kill Boss | 67 | Virdjala (x27.8, y27.8, z0) | 24075 | 134 | 385 |
Get Sharp | Collect | 67 | Virdjala (x27.3, y25.3, z0) | 24075 | 134 | 385 |
M Bop | Kill Enemies | 67 | Virdjala (x31.8, y25.6, z0) | 24075 | 134 | 385 |
Pop the Trunk | Kill Boss | 67 | Virdjala (x31, y21.5, z0) | 24075 | 134 | 385 |
Raisin' Hell | Kill Boss | 67 | Virdjala (x30.8, y21.4, z0) | 24075 | 134 | 385 |
Really Don't Keratyrannos | Kill Boss | 67 | Virdjala (x29.7, y23.9, z0) | 24075 | 134 | 385 |
The Antlion's Share | Defend | 67 | Virdjala (x31.4, y29.6, z0) | 24075 | 134 | 385 |
The Tele-tale Hunt | Kill Enemies | 67 | Virdjala (x35.7, y28.4, z0) | 24075 | 134 | 385 |