Gathering classes, also known as Disciples of the Land, harvest natural resources throughout Eorzea. Disciples of the Hand can utilize these natural resources to craft equipment, consumables and countless useful items. Gathering classes consist of Botanist, Fisher and Miner.
Players wishing to unlock these classes may do so after reaching level 10 (or higher) as a Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic by talking to the Guild Receptionist in their respective gathering guild.
Gathering classes are ill-suited for combat, preferring to use stealth to hide from enemies. Just like crafting classes, they cannot participate in any Duties, as there are no resources to be found in any of them. Gatherers also have an exclusive selection of levequests focused entirely on gathering specific materials.
Disciples of the Land do not have access to any cross-class abilities from the other disciplines (Disciples of War, Disciples of the Hand, and Disciples of Magic). However, they share their various tracking and increased "Crafting Catalyst Yield" abilities with the other gathering classes, though only Miner and Botanist have a use for them. Gatherers also gain one cross-class slot every five levels up to level 50.
As expected, EXP is typically acquired by gathering items. Botanist and Miner gain an increasing temporary bonus to the amount of experience earned for your current gathering node by successfully increasing their Gathering Chain. A Gathering Chain is an in-game term used to describe the process of successfully gathering multiple items in a row without missing before you run out of gathering attempts. Failing to receive an item (either by missing or running out of attempts) breaks all gathering chains.
All three classes gain a bonus when they collect a resource for the very first time. The base amount gained depends on the level of the item gathered, not the level of the resource spot, though most items are of a similar level.
To switch to a gathering class, equip the tool of that class from your armory chest, just like you would any other class.
Botanist and Miner:
Gathering - increases your likelihood of receiving an item while gathering. The higher the level of the item, the more Gathering Points are required for a 100% chance.
Perception - increases the amount of harvested items for botanists and miners, and the size of the catch for fisher.
GP - Gathering Points, used for gathering abilities. Slowly recharges over time while not gathering from resource spots and with each successful gathering attempt. The current amount is shared between classes, though points can be lost if switching to a class with a lower maximum.
Aetherial Reduction is a general action that allows the player to break down Collectable Items into Crystals, Clusters and random rare materials.
Complete the level 56 quest No Longer a Collectable by speaking to Lydirlona in Mor Dhona (X:22.3 Y:6.8). Player must be a level 56 or higher Disciple of Land.
List of items with Eorzean time and gather location, as well as the option to activate an alert to know when to gathered.
Ocean Fishing is exclusive to fishers which allow them to set sail together on the Endeavor in search of adventure on the high seas. It requires a part of 1 to 24 players and has the time limit of 60 minutes.
Every two hours, players have a fifteen-minute window to register by speaking with Dryskthota on the Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X:3.0 Y:12.7). If you wish to enter as a party, the party leader must be the one to speak with the NPC.
Quest: All the Fish in the Sea
Quest Giver : Fhilsnoe
Quest lvl 1.
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks X: 7.8 Y: 14.5
Prerequisite Quest : My First Fishing Rod
Mount : towards the 5556 basic points obtained with an 80% bonus
To have enough points for the mount, it is above all necessary to trigger the spectral current in the zones during your travel and to catch as many fish as possible using Double Hook action when the spectral current is triggered.
Quest: Feast of Famine
Guide to knowing which fish to get at each stage, where and when. You can use the weather tool in the general tab to find out when to go fishing or use the following site : carbuncleplushy
1) Endoceras
Western La Noscea : Isles of Umbra Southshore
Eorzea Time : 7h30PM – 3H30AM
After the weather changes : Fair Skies - Clear Skies → Clouds - Wind - Fog
Bait : Spoon Worm → ! (Fullmoon Sardine) → Mooch → !!! (Endoceras)
2) Namitaro
South Shroud : Urth's Gift
Eorzea Time : All Day
During the weathers : Thunder - Thunderstorms
Bait : Glowworm → !!! (Giant Takitaro) → Fisher's Intuition → Topwater Frog → !!! (Namitaro)
3) Helicoprion
Southern Thanalan : Sagolii Desert
Eorzea Time : 8h00AM – 8H00PM
After the weather changes : Fog - Clouds → Heat Waves
Bait : Sand Leech → !! (Storm Rider) → Mooch → !!! (Helicoprion)
4) Shonisaurus
Coerthas Central Highlands : Witchdrop
Eorzea Time : All Day
After the weather changes : Fair Skies - Clear Skies → Blizzards
Bait : Hoverworm → !! (Cloud Cutter) → Mooch → !!! (Mahar) → Mooch → !!! (Shonisaurus)
5) Kuno the Killer
Mor Dhona : The North Shards
Eorzea Time : 8h30AM – 9H30PM
During the weathers : Gloom
Bait : Honey Worm → ! (Silverfish) → Mooch → !!! (Goldfish) → Fisher's Intuition → Honey Worm → ! (Silverfish) → Mooch → !! (Assassin Betta) → Mooch → !!! (Kuno the Killer)
5) Nepto Dragon
Eastern La Noscea : Rhotano Sea (Privateer Sterncastle)
Eorzea Time : All Day
During the weathers : Rain - Showers
Bait : Northern Krill → !! (Little Thalaos) → Fisher's Intuition → Northern Krill → !!! (Nepto Dragon)