The hunting list for ARR, with the method for spawning each S rank. The respawn time of elite monsters.
Mine Grade 3 La Noscean Topsoil.
The node spawns between 19:00 - 22:00 Eorzean time at x25,y27
370 or higher Gathering and 332 or higher Perception is required.
Spawns when traversing the spawn points during Full Moon.
Full Moon lasts 1-4 days Eorzean time.
Every weather change and every day/night cycle on Full Moon days has a chance to spawn Croakadile.
Harvest La Noscean Leek.
Harvest time: 8:00-11:00 AM Eorzean time at x34,y28
408 or higher Gathering skill is required.
Bonnacon has a chance to appear on each harvested.
After the 42 hour cooldown is up, and once the zone\'s weather condition is Showers/Rain, the next 9+ weather changes have to NOT be Rain or Showers for Garlok to spawn.
He will spawn sometime after the ninth weather change since Rain or Showers.
Walk/run over his spawn point with your minions out.
Dying near his spawn point.
When his spawn timer is up every time a player dies has a chance of spawning him.
Eating food on Brontes\'s chosen spawn location will spawn it, assuming its random timer is up.
Fish a Glimmerscale during Clear or Fair weather condition.
Gathering of 300 or higher is required
Related to completing Battlecraft Leves.
Perform FATEs in the zone for 1 hour, not allowing any to fail or expire. Includes Player triggered FATEs as well.
Kill 100 Earth Sprites in the zone.
Especially easy to do during level 49 FATE Core Blimey.
Spawns when the area rains 2 times in a row.
Will spawn 2-3 Eorzean hours / 6 earth minutes into the second rain.
Spawns during 1 of the 4 New Moon nights.
Traverse the spawn points at 00:00.
Related to completing Battlecraft Leves.
Fish a Judgeray between 17:00-21:00 Eorzean Time.
Gathering of 330 or higher is required
When many people get low on HP.
Many people jump off cliffs and fall to 1 HP over and over.
Complete a lot of Treasure Maps in Mor Dhona.